EP 0005007 A1 19791031 - Electrolytic process and apparatus for the recovery of metal values.
Title (en)
Electrolytic process and apparatus for the recovery of metal values.
Title (de)
Elektrolytisches Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Rückgewinnung von Metallwerten.
Title (fr)
Procédé électrolytique et appareillage pour la récupération de valeurs métalliques.
GB 1025978 A 19780315
Abstract (en)
An electrolytic process and an electrolytic cell for recovering metal values from low grade concentrates. The said concentrate is introduced into the cell containing an aqueous electrolyte so that it is retained in proximity to an anode or anodes (8) and kept out of contact from the or each cathode (9). The cell is energised so that electrolysis takes place and acid is released at the anode(s) (8) which dissolves the metal values which form cations which migrate to and are discharged at the cathode(s) (9). The impurities in the concentrate form fine particles which are separated from the concentrate by screening, e.g. by means of a grid or grids (10) separating the anodes (8) from the cathodes (9).
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
CPC (source: EP)
Citation (search report)
- GB 1476048 A 19770610 - EBARA UDYLITE KK, et al
- US 3836443 A 19740917 - MAC GREGOR D
- US 3788965 A 19740129 - HOLSINGER W
- US 4066520 A 19780103 - EMMETT JR ROBERT C, et al
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0005007 A1 19791031; EP 0005007 B1 19810225; DE 2960168 D1 19810402
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 79300379 A 19790312; DE 2960168 T 19790312