Global Patent Index - EP 0014621 A1

EP 0014621 A1 19800820 - Coaxial cable with composite insulation for telecommunication, method for applying the external insulation of such a cable and apparatus for carrying out this method.

Title (en)

Coaxial cable with composite insulation for telecommunication, method for applying the external insulation of such a cable and apparatus for carrying out this method.

Title (de)

Koaxiales Kabel mit Verbundisolierung für das Fernmeldewesen, Verfahren für das Aufbringen der Aussenisolierung eines solchen Kabels und Vorrichtung zur Durchführung dieses Verfahrens.

Title (fr)

Câble coaxial à isolation composite pour télécommunication, procédé de pose de l'isolation extérieure d'un tel câble et dispositif de mise en oeuvre de ce procédé.


EP 0014621 A1 19800820 (FR)


EP 80400103 A 19800122


FR 7903440 A 19790212

Abstract (en)

1. Coaxial cable having a composite insulation arranged about its outer conductor, characterized in that the insulation comprises : - a first ribbon (19) of paper or of a plastic material having a SHORE-D-hardness smaller than 46, applied lengthwise and edge to edge, and locally adhered onto the outer conductor (18), this ribbon forming a damping pad ; - a second ribbon (20) having a high dielectric strength in a manner to define the electrical insulation of the cable, and which is adhered to the first ribbon (19) and has edges covering each other and adhered one to another in the coverage zones.

Abstract (fr)

L'isolation des câbles coaxiaux est obtenue par l'application en continu de deux rubans (19,20) posés successivement en long, l'un (19) jouant le rôle de protection mécanique, l'autre (20) de l'isolement, des rubans étant localement collés au câble et entre eux à l'aide d'un adhésif conservant après application un allongement à la rupture de plusieurs centaines de %.

IPC 1-7

H01B 13/00; H01B 13/10

IPC 8 full level

H01B 13/016 (2006.01); H01B 13/10 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01B 13/0165 (2013.01); H01B 13/10 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0014621 A1 19800820; EP 0014621 B1 19840125; DE 3066220 D1 19840301; FR 2448771 A2 19800905; FR 2448771 B2 19820604

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 80400103 A 19800122; DE 3066220 T 19800122; FR 7903440 A 19790212