Global Patent Index - EP 0043578 A2

EP 0043578 A2 19820113 - Process for manufacturing pictures to be transferred by rubbing, and their use.

Title (en)

Process for manufacturing pictures to be transferred by rubbing, and their use.

Title (de)

Verfahren zur Herstellung von Anreibebildern und deren Anwendung.

Title (fr)

Procédé de fabrication d'images à transférer par frottement et leur application.


EP 0043578 A2 19820113 (DE)


EP 81105243 A 19810706


DE 3025704 A 19800707

Abstract (en)

In this process for manufacturing pictures to be transferred by rubbing, two, three or more layers firstly of base lacquer (number 4 in Figure 1), then an ink or various inks (number 3 in Figure 1) and adhesive (number 2 in Figures 1 and 2) are applied to one or more pieces of silicone paper (number 5 in Figures 1 and 2), preferably by the screen printing process but also by the book or offset printing process in each case in the size of the illustrated picture and one or more cover papers (number 1 in Figures 1 and 2) are placed on top to protect the adhesive. However, the layers can also be applied in the reverse order by firstly applying the adhesive(s) (number 2 in Figures 1 and 2) onto one or more protective papers (number 1 in Figures 3 and 4), then an ink or various inks (number 3 in Figure 1) on the adhesive(s) (number 2 in Figures 1 and 2), then base lacquer (number 4 in Figure 1) on the ink(s) or by applying one or more mixtures of ink and base lacquer (number 3 in Figure 2) directly onto the adhesive(s) (number 2 in Figure 2) and finally placing one or more silicone papers (number 5 in Figures 1 and 2) or cover papers (number 1 in Figures 1 and 2) on top. However, two, three or more layers, firstly of adhesive (number 2 in Figures 3 and 4), then ink or various inks (number 3 in Figure 3) and subsequently base lacquer (number 4 in Figure 3) or mixtures of the above (number 2 in Figure 4) can also be applied to one or more protective papers (number 1 in Figures 3 and 4), preferably by the screen printing process, but also by the book or offset printing process in each case in the size of the illustrated picture. Finally, a picture to be transferred by rubbing can be manufactured in (one) chemical, physical or chemical-physical operation (operations) in such a way that one or more ink/adhesive/protective film/layer(s) (number 2 in Figure 5) is/are formed in the size of the illustrated picture. The finished pictures to be transferred are applied to a preferably flat base material, such as a display window (number 6 in Figures 1 to 5), by the cover paper(s) (number 7 in Figures 1 and 2) or protective paper(s) (number 7 in Figures 3 and 4) or protective film(s) (number 7 in Figure 5) situated above the adhesive(s) being pulled off, the picture to be transferred being placed on by one corner or edge, being stuck on and transferred by slight mechanical pressure (number 8 in Figures 1 to 5) and finally the silicone paper(s) (number 9 in Figures 1 and 2) being pulled off completely. In order to detach the picture to be transferred from its base material again, it is covered for several minutes with a paper material which has preferably been soaked in water, thereby producing a swelling of the adhesive(s) (number 2 in Figures 1 to 5) and the picture to be transferred can then be detached from its base material, such as a display window, without problems. Finally, the picture to be transferred can also be released again from the base material without swelling of the adhesive and merely with the aid of commercial scraping tools, consisting of a thin blade on a stem which is approximately the size of a hand. <IMAGE>

Abstract (de)

Bei diesem Verfahren zur Herstellung von Anreibebildern werden auf ein oder mehrere Silicon-Papier(e) (Nummer 5 in Figuren 1 und 2) zwei, drei oder mehr Schichten zuerst Trägerlack (Nummer 4 in Figur 1), dann eine Farbe oder verschiedene Farben (Nummer 3 in Figur 1) sowie Kleber (Nummer 2 in Figuren 1 und 2) vorzugsweise im Siebdruck-, aber auch im Buch- oder Offsetdruckverfahren jeweils in der Grösse der dargestellten Abbildung aufgebracht und obendrauf ein oder mehrere Deckpapier(e) (Nummer 1 in Figuren 1 und 2) zum Schutz des Klebers gelegt. Der Schichtenauftrag ist aber auch im umgekehrten Ablauf möglich, indem zuerst der(die) Kleber (Nummer 2 in Figuren 1 und 2) auf ein oder mehrere Schutzpapier(e) (Nummer 1 in Figuren 3 und 4), dann eine Farbe oder verschiedene Farben (Nummer 3 in Figur 1) auf den(die) Kleber (Nummer 2 in Figuren 1 und 2) dann Trägerlack (Nummer 4 in Figur 1) auf die Farbe(n) oder eine oder mehrere Farb-Trägerlack-Mischung(en) (Nummer 3 in Figur 2) direkt auf den(die) Kleber (Nummer 2 in Figur 2) aufgebracht und schliesslich darauf ein oder mehrere Silicon-Papier(e) (Nummer 5 in Figuren 1 und 2) oder Deckpapier(e) (Nummer 1 in Figuren 1 und 2) gelegt werden. Man kann aber auch auf ein oder mehrere Schutzpapier(e) (Nummer 1 in Figuren 3 und 4) zwei, drei oder

IPC 1-7

B44C 1/16; B41M 3/12

IPC 8 full level

B44C 1/17 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B44C 1/1733 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0043578 A2 19820113; EP 0043578 A3 19820317; DE 3025704 A1 19820204

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 81105243 A 19810706; DE 3025704 A 19800707