Global Patent Index - EP 0054449 A1

EP 0054449 A1 19820623 - Window lifting mechanism.

Title (en)

Window lifting mechanism.

Title (de)


Title (fr)



EP 0054449 A1 19820623 (FR)


EP 81401779 A 19811110


FR 8025279 A 19801128

Abstract (en)

1. A window-raiser comprising at least one inclined arm (26, 27) which is pivotally mounted at an intermediate point of its length on a pivot pin (29) carried by a slide (30) which is longitudinally guided in a U- or C-section member forming a substantially vertical slideway (31) and carries a rack (38) engaged with a driving pinion through a lateral opening in the U- or C-section member, the two ends of the arm being guided in the guideways (17, 18, 24) perpendicular to the axis of the slideway (31) which are respectively connected to the window base and fixed, the fixed guideway (54) defining a central line to each side of which line the arm is movable, characterized in that the inner wall of the vertical slideway section-member (31) has a pierced or cut-away aperture in the region of which the material is deformed inwardly of said slideway so as to form the inner wall (41) of a cavity (39), which is laterally open on each side of said wall, and define an opening (40) through which a pinion which is part of a driving module assembled with the slideway is mounted inside the section-member in the cavity (39) and put into engagement with the rack (38).

Abstract (fr)

Ce lève-glace comporte une structure de base qui, comme représenté comprend une glissière (31) de profil en C, dans laquelle est guidé un coulisseau (30) comportant une crémaillère (38). Sur la face arrière du fond (34) du profilé un crevé (41) délimite un logement pour un pignon en prise avec la crémaillère qui fait partie d'un module assemblé avec la glissière en des points tels que (32, 33) et constituant un mécanisme d'entraînement. Il peut s'agir d'une poulie crantée, d'un boîtier de commande directe ou d'un moteur-réducteur.

IPC 1-7

E05F 11/42

IPC 8 full level

E05F 11/44 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E05F 11/445 (2013.01); E05Y 2900/55 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0054449 A1 19820623; EP 0054449 B1 19840502; BR 8107747 A 19820831; DE 3163422 D1 19840607; ES 508071 A0 19830601; ES 8306822 A1 19830601; FR 2495213 A1 19820604; FR 2495213 B1 19831118; JP S587074 A 19830114

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 81401779 A 19811110; BR 8107747 A 19811127; DE 3163422 T 19811110; ES 508071 A 19811127; FR 8025279 A 19801128; JP 19045281 A 19811127