Global Patent Index - EP 0074293 A1

EP 0074293 A1 19830316 - Packaging container with adhesive flaps.

Title (en)

Packaging container with adhesive flaps.

Title (de)

Verpackung mit Klebelaschen.

Title (fr)

Emballage muni de pattes adhésives.


EP 0074293 A1 19830316 (FR)


EP 82401499 A 19820806


FR 8117200 A 19810911

Abstract (en)

[origin: ES275401U] Packing, particularly of cardboard, of the type comprising a belt forming a base (1) that must be folded to wrap the objects to be packaged, characterized in that it comprises two lateral symmetrical legs (12 and 13) having such a length that after the folding of the belt (1) its ends can be applied against the larger surface of the package which is opposite to the surface that is integral with the legs (12 and 13), whatever the height of the possible lateral surfaces (2). And 3), an adhesive tape (26) being provided at least on the legs (12 and 13) and preferably for the entire extension extending from one end of one leg (12) to the end of the other (13). (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)

Abstract (fr)

L'emballage est du type comprenant des éléments devant être rabattus par pliage : parois, volets, etc... Il est caractérisé en ce que l'un de ces éléments 1a comprend des pattes symétriques latérales 13 qui dépassent le contour de cet élément 1a et qui doivent être rabattues par dessus les parois 3 immédiatement adjacentes à cet élément 1a. Les pattes sont munies d'une bande adhésive, de préférence du type "double face" à ruban protecteur.

IPC 1-7

B65D 5/02; B65D 75/14

IPC 8 full level

B65D 5/02 (2006.01); B65D 75/14 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

B65D 5/0245 (2013.01 - EP US); B65D 75/14 (2013.01 - EP US)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0074293 A1 19830316; EP 0074293 B1 19841212; AT E10726 T1 19841215; CA 1214141 A 19861118; DE 3261550 D1 19850124; ES 275401 U 19840801; ES 275401 Y 19850316; FR 2512783 A1 19830318; FR 2512783 B1 19841019; US 4823954 A 19890425

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 82401499 A 19820806; AT 82401499 T 19820806; CA 409238 A 19820811; DE 3261550 T 19820806; ES 275401 U 19820903; FR 8117200 A 19810911; US 10688787 A 19871013