Global Patent Index - EP 0074297 A1

EP 0074297 A1 19830316 - Hybrid compensated current transformer.

Title (en)

Hybrid compensated current transformer.

Title (de)

Hybrider kompensierter Stromwandler.

Title (fr)

Capteur de courant hybride compensé.


EP 0074297 A1 19830316 (FR)


EP 82401529 A 19820813


FR 8116416 A 19810826

Abstract (en)

1. Current sensor (10) for electronically measuring and/or protective equipment intended to control the current in a line (14) of an electrical energy supply system, said inductive sensor coupled with the line and comprising : - a magnetic circuit or core CM enclosing the line (14) and equipped with at least one amagnetic air-gap (12, 12a, 12b) of predetermined length e, said circuit having a reluctance Re, - a secondary winding (16, 16a, 16b) wound about the magnetic circuit CM and having a number of winding turns n and an ohmic resistance R1 , - a load resistance connected electrically to the output terminals of the secondary winding and having an ohmic resistance R2 , characterized in that the inductive sensor (10) is of hybrid type of which the secondary time constant t2 is defined by the relation n**2 /Re(R1 + R2 ) having a value comprised between 10 microseconds and 100 milliseconds.

Abstract (fr)

L'invention se rapporte à un capteur hybride de courant délivrant un signal combiné de mesure et d'alimentation. Une résistance de charge R2 est connectée aux bornes de sortie de l'enroulement secondaire (16) et le noyau CM comprend un entrefer (12) de longueur prédéterminée e. Le capteur (10) est du type hybride dont la constante de temps secondaire est comprise entre 10 microsecondes et 100 millisecondes. Application : disjoncteur de protection à déclencheur statique.

IPC 1-7

H01F 40/06

IPC 8 full level

G01R 15/18 (2006.01); G01R 15/20 (2006.01); H01F 38/32 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01F 38/32 (2013.01); H01F 2038/305 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

FR 2512264 A1 19830304; FR 2512264 B1 19831028; CA 1203284 A 19860415; DE 3267597 D1 19860102; EP 0074297 A1 19830316; EP 0074297 B1 19851121; EP 0074297 B2 19881207; JP H0447271 B2 19920803; JP S5895266 A 19830606

DOCDB simple family (application)

FR 8116416 A 19810826; CA 409402 A 19820813; DE 3267597 T 19820813; EP 82401529 A 19820813; JP 14632482 A 19820825