Global Patent Index - EP 0078907 A2

EP 0078907 A2 19830518 - Pump noise filtering apparatus for a borehole measurement while drilling system utilizing drilling fluid pressure sensing.

Title (en)

Pump noise filtering apparatus for a borehole measurement while drilling system utilizing drilling fluid pressure sensing.

Title (de)

Pumpengeräuschfiltergerät für eine Bohrlochmessung während des Bohrens mittels Messung des Druckes der Bohrflüssigkeit.

Title (fr)

Dispositif de filtrage du bruit de la pompe pour un système de mesure pendant le forage d'un puits utilisant la détection de la pression du fluide de forage.


EP 0078907 A2 19830518 (EN)


EP 82108793 A 19820923


US 31949881 A 19811109

Abstract (en)

An apparatus for removing pulsation noise caused by a well drilling fluid circulating pump from fluid pressure pulse transmitted rneasurement wnile drilling data passing through drilling fluid in a drill string of a borehole measurement while drilling system. The noise filtering apparatus includes a drilling fluid pressure sensor and an adaptive estimator that memorizes the pulse noise signature of a pump in synchronization with the pump's strokes. The memorized signature is removed from the signal data derived from pressure pulsations in the drilling fluid in order to remove or filter the pump's noise or pressure signal disturbing influence from this data. The adaptive estimator is arranged such that it will compensate for changing operating conditions of the pump so that this pump created noise is substantially, continuously filtered from the measurement while drilling data.

IPC 1-7

E21B 47/12; H04B 11/00

IPC 8 full level

E21B 47/18 (2012.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E21B 47/18 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0078907 A2 19830518; EP 0078907 A3 19840905; CA 1189442 A 19850625; JP S5886295 A 19830523; NO 823369 L 19830510

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 82108793 A 19820923; CA 411725 A 19820920; JP 19585382 A 19821108; NO 823369 A 19821007