Global Patent Index - EP 0139173 A1

EP 0139173 A1 19850502 - Safety device for a percussion fuze of a projectile

Title (en)

Safety device for a percussion fuze of a projectile


EP 0139173 A1 19850502 (DE)


EP 84110184 A 19840827


CH 567683 A 19831019

Abstract (en)

1. A safety device for a percussion fuze of a projectile, having a firing pin (4) and a spring-brased slide member (10) transversely movable between a safety position and a firing position, in which the firing pin (4) impacts on a primer capsule (11) carried by the slide member (10), said safety device comprising a first locking mechanism (17) holding said slide member (10) in the safety position and responsive to projectile acceleration to release the slide member for movement to said firing position, a manually releasable locking device (25, 26) holding the firing pin (4) in contact with said slide member (10) to retain it in the safety position, with a blind bore (13) in the slide member (10) in which the firing pin (4) in its safety position enters for preventing that the slide member (10) moves in the firing position, characterised in that : the blind bore (13) of the slide member (10) is covered by a locking device (30), comprising an aperture (31) and a narrow longitudinal slot (32) and in that the firing pin (4) having a restricted portion (33) which is adapted to engage in the slot (32) to prevent complete withdrawal of said firing pin (4) from said slide member (10) if the slide member (10) is not secured by said first locking mechanism (17) and in that the aperture (31) of the locking device (30) is adapted to release the firing pin (4) if the slide member (10) is secured by said first locking mechanism (17) in the safety position.

Abstract (de)

Der Aufschlagzünder besitzt einen Querschieber (10) mit einer Zündpille 11, die aus einer Sicherheitsstellung in eine Scharfstellung verschiebbar ist, wobei der Schieber (10) einerseits durch eine auf die Abschussbeschleunigung ansprechende Sperrvorrichtung (17) und andererseits durch einen manuell entriegelbaren Zündstift (4) in seiner Sicherheitsstellung gehalten ist. Eine zusätzliche Verriegelung (32,33) verhindert, dass der Querschieber (10) durch den Zündstift (4) freigegeben werden kann, falls die Sperrvorrichtung (17) den Querschieber (10) bereits freigegeben hat.

IPC 1-7

F42C 15/20; F42C 15/18

IPC 8 full level

F42C 15/184 (2006.01); F42C 15/20 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F42C 15/184 (2013.01); F42C 15/20 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0139173 A1 19850502; EP 0139173 B1 19870128; CA 1244282 A 19881108; DE 3462284 D1 19870305; DE 8425359 U1 19850314; NO 158832 B 19880725; NO 158832 C 19881102; NO 843885 L 19850422

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 84110184 A 19840827; CA 465545 A 19841016; DE 3462284 T 19840827; DE 8425359 U 19840827; NO 843885 A 19840927