EP 0140468 A1 19850508 - Combination process for making improved lubricating oils from marginal crudes.
Title (en)
Combination process for making improved lubricating oils from marginal crudes.
Title (de)
Kombinationsprozess zur Herstellung Schmieröle aus Grenzbereich-Rohölen.
Title (fr)
Procédé combiné pour la production d'huiles lubrifiantes à partir de pétroles bruts marginaux.
US 52833183 A 19830831
Abstract (en)
Light and air stable lubricating oils with a viscosity index in the order of 100 are produced from marginal crude feedstocks in a combination process consisting of 1) solvent, e.g., furfural, extraction, 2) catalytic dewaxing and 3) catalytic hydrotreating. Catalytic hydrotreating the dewaxed lube at pressures of 6996-20786 kPa (1000-3000 psig) to a viscosity index of 100 coincides with essentially complete desulfurization.
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
C10G 45/64 (2006.01); C10G 67/04 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
C10G 45/64 (2013.01); C10G 67/0409 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
US 4181598 A 19800101 - GILLESPIE BERNARD M [US], et al
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0140468 A1 19850508; EP 0140468 B1 19890111; AU 2990084 A 19850307; AU 574688 B2 19880714; BR 8403436 A 19850625; CA 1252410 A 19890411; DE 3476080 D1 19890216; IN 161436 B 19871205; JP S6055083 A 19850329; ZA 845040 B 19860226
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 84304382 A 19840628; AU 2990084 A 19840626; BR 8403436 A 19840710; CA 458613 A 19840711; DE 3476080 T 19840628; IN 477MA1984 A 19840702; JP 14154884 A 19840710; ZA 845040 A 19840702