Global Patent Index - EP 0149057 A1

EP 0149057 A1 19850724 - Apparatus for the conversion of electric energy into thermal energy.

Title (en)

Apparatus for the conversion of electric energy into thermal energy.

Title (de)

Gerät zum Umsetzen von elektrischer Energie in thermische Energie.

Title (fr)

Appareil pour la conversion d'énergie électrique en énergie thermique.


EP 0149057 A1 19850724 (FR)


EP 84114054 A 19841121


CH 647683 A 19831202

Abstract (en)

1. Apparatus used to convert electric power into thermic power, characterized by the fact it includes an isolated dewar (1) filled up with a diathermic heat-conveying fluid (2) in which a first electric engine (3) is immersed as well as a first hydraulic pump (4) which works with the aforesaid engine and the inflow and outflow pipes of which are also immersed in the heat-conveying fluid, the outflow pipe of the aforesaid pump being equipped with means of reducing the outflow, and by the fact that these means of reducing the outflow consist of a second hydraulic pump (24) the inflow pipe (22) of which is connected to the aforesaid outflow pipe (6) of the first pump (4), the second pump (24) being associated with a second electric engine (23), and this second pump and this second engine being immersed in the heat-conveying fluid and characterized by smaller dimensions as compared to the first pump and the first engine respectively.

Abstract (fr)

La présente invention concerne un appareillage pour la conversion d'energie électrique en énergie thermique comportant une enceinte (1) isolée thermiquement remplie d'un fluide caloporteur diathermique (2). Dans ce fluide sont immergés un moteur électrique (3) et une pompe hydraulique (4) actionée par celui-ci, les conduites d'aspiration (5) et de refoulement (6) de la pompe étant également immergées dans ledit fluide; de plus, la conduite de refoulement est munie de moyens de réduction (9) du flux de refoulement. Cet appareillage est utilisable pour le chauffage de locaux ou pour la production d'eau chaude sanitaire.

IPC 1-7

F24H 1/00; F24D 7/00

IPC 8 full level

F24D 7/00 (2006.01); F24H 1/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F24D 7/00 (2013.01); F24H 1/0018 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0149057 A1 19850724; EP 0149057 B1 19880615; AT E35180 T1 19880715; DE 149057 T1 19851024; DE 3472157 D1 19880721

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 84114054 A 19841121; AT 84114054 T 19841121; DE 3472157 T 19841121; DE 84114054 T 19841121