Global Patent Index - EP 0158217 A1

EP 0158217 A1 19851016 - Circuit arrangement for a danger-indicating installation.

Title (en)

Circuit arrangement for a danger-indicating installation.

Title (de)

Schaltungsanordnung für eine Gefahrenmeldeanlage.

Title (fr)

Arrangement de couplage pour une installation signalant des dangers.


EP 0158217 A1 19851016 (DE)


EP 85103600 A 19850326


DE 3411129 A 19840326

Abstract (en)

1. Circuit arrangement for a danger-indicating installation with several indicators (4, 5), which are connected across a two-wire indicating line (2, 3) to a central means having evaluation electronics (20) and which associates the signals supplied by indicators (4, 5) with clearly defined states on the indicators, with a signal level applied to the indicators by the evaluation electronics (20) via indicating line (2, 3) and which is cyclicly keyed, with in each case one counter (43) providing in the indicators (4, 5) and which counts the logic states corresponding to this signal level keying and in the case of identity of the count with an address value in each case preset on each indicator supplies a signal characterizing its state across indicating line (2, 3) to evaluation electronics (20), all the counters (43) being resettable by a resetting signal, characterized in that the resetting signal for the counters (43) of indicators (4, 5) is in the form of a further signal level keying and that the signal characterizing the state, e.g. alarm of fault, of the individual indicator (4, 5) is supplied as a clearly defined, but different signal level to evaluation electronics (20) by the selected indicator (4, 5) within the time interval up to the selection of the next indicator.

Abstract (de)

Die Erfindung betrifft eine Schaltungsanordnung für eine Gefahrenmeldeanlage mit mehreren Meldern, die über eine zweiadrige Meldelinie an eine Zentrale angeschlossen sind. Jeder Melder hat einen Zähler der einer Spannungspegel-Umtastung durch die Zentrale entsprechende logische Zustände zählt. Bei Gleichheit des Zählerwertes mit einem jeweils an jedem Melder voreingestellten Adressenwert wird vom Melder ein seinen Zustand charakterisierendes Signal über die Meldelinie an die Zentrale abgegeben. Mittels einer weiteren Signalpegel-Umtastung sind alle Zähler rückstellbar.

IPC 1-7

G08B 25/00; G08B 26/00

IPC 8 full level

G08B 25/00 (2006.01); G08B 25/04 (2006.01); G08B 26/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

G08B 25/04 (2013.01); G08B 26/002 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0158217 A1 19851016; EP 0158217 B1 19880824; AT E36767 T1 19880915; DE 3411129 A1 19851003; DE 3564629 D1 19880929

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 85103600 A 19850326; AT 85103600 T 19850326; DE 3411129 A 19840326; DE 3564629 T 19850326