Global Patent Index - EP 0161133 A1

EP 0161133 A1 19851113 - Modulary evolvable structure for a partition.

Title (en)

Modulary evolvable structure for a partition.

Title (de)

Modulare entwickelbare Struktur für eine Scheidewand.

Title (fr)

Structure modulaire évoluable de confinement.


EP 0161133 A1 19851113 (FR)


EP 85400540 A 19850321


FR 8404458 A 19840322

Abstract (en)

1. Manoeuvrable modular confining structure composed of rectangular or square panels (2, 4), assembled by bolting, the said panels exhibiting a face and, at the periphery of this face, a turned-over edge constituted by a first wing (8b) turned over at a right angle in relation to the face of the panel, and connecting elements (40, 42, 44) for assembling two or three of the said panels (2, 4), characterized in that the said turned-over edge is constituted, in addition, by a second wing (8a) turned over at a right angle in relation to the first wing (8b), the said first and second wings (8a, 8b) constituting a U-shaped edge by which the panels are assembled, - stiffening elements being present between two, three or four panels, - the U-shaped edge of the panels (2, 4) is continuous over the entire periphery of the face of a panel ; - the said panels being assembled to each other and to the said connecting elements (40, 42, 44) by the said first wings (8b), the first and second wings (8b), (8a) being disposed towards the exterior of the structure, the faces of the panels being level in such a manner as to constitute perfectly plane internal walls ; - the said stiffening elements being assembled to the panels by the second wings (8a) ; - a seal being inserted between the said first wings (8b), this seal being removable in such a manner as to preserve the demountability of the panels (2, 4).

Abstract (fr)

La structure est composée de panneaux (2, 4) présentant une bordure continue rabattue, constituée par une première aile (8b) et une seconde aile (8a) constituant une bordure en U par laquelle les panneaux sont assemblés par boulonnage d'éléments de raccordement pour assembler les panneaux (2, 4) et d'éléments de raidissement. Les panneaux sont assemblés entre eux et auxdits éléments de raccordement par les premières ailes (8b). Les premières et secondes ailes sont disposées vers l'extérieur de la structure. Les faces des panneaux sont de niveau de manière à constituer des parois internes planes. Un joint est inséré entre les ailes (8b).

IPC 1-7

E04C 2/08; E04C 2/38

IPC 8 full level

E04C 2/08 (2006.01); E04C 2/38 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E04C 2/08 (2013.01); E04C 2/38 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0161133 A1 19851113; EP 0161133 B1 19881207; DE 3566694 D1 19890112; FR 2561692 A1 19850927; FR 2561692 B1 19861114

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 85400540 A 19850321; DE 3566694 T 19850321; FR 8404458 A 19840322