Global Patent Index - EP 0165845 A1

EP 0165845 A1 19851227 - Transformer with a strong primary-secondary coupling.

Title (en)

Transformer with a strong primary-secondary coupling.

Title (de)

Transformator mit starker Primär-Sekundär-Kupplung.

Title (fr)

Transformateur à fort couplage primaire-secondaire.


EP 0165845 A1 19851227 (FR)


EP 85400982 A 19850520


FR 8408424 A 19840529

Abstract (en)

1. Electrical transformer comprising a first winding (2) coupled magnetically with a second winding formed by a conductive turn (1) of small thickness constituting a surface which forms an almost closed envelope which follows the surface of the said first winding (2), characterized in that the first winding (2) is a centrally hollow cylindrical coil and in that the surface of the second winding is a turn constitued : - by two concentric cylinders (1a, 1b) having radii such that the said coil (2) fits into the volume enclosed between the cylinders (1a, 1b), - and by an annular surface (3a) bearing on the edges of the cylinders (1a, 1b) at one extremity of these, - in that the annular surface (3a) is slotted along a radius and in that each of the cylinders is slotted along a generatrix passing through the slot (31) formed in the annular surface (3a).

Abstract (fr)

Transformateur à fort couplage comprenant un premier enroulement (2) coupé magnétiquement à un second enroulement (1) constitué par une spire. La spire (1) est constituée par un élément conducteur de faible épaisseur constituant une surface qui forme une enveloppe presque fermée qui épouse la surface dudit premier enroulement (2). Ce transformateur peut être utilisé dans les alimentations à découpage travaillant à haute fréquence.

IPC 1-7

H01F 27/28

IPC 8 full level

H01F 27/28 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01F 27/2866 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0165845 A1 19851227; EP 0165845 B1 19880518; DE 3562836 D1 19880623; FR 2565399 A1 19851206; FR 2565399 B1 19870911

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 85400982 A 19850520; DE 3562836 T 19850520; FR 8408424 A 19840529