Global Patent Index - EP 0270717 A1

EP 0270717 A1 19880615 - Method of manufacturing a flexible disposable container for sterile products, and container so realised.

Title (en)

Method of manufacturing a flexible disposable container for sterile products, and container so realised.

Title (de)

Verfahren zum Herstellen eines flexiblen Einwegbehälters für sterile Produkte und der daraus resultierende Behälter.

Title (fr)

Procédé d'obtention d'un conteneur souple jetable après usage pour produits stériles et conteneur en résultant.


EP 0270717 A1 19880615 (FR)


EP 86402774 A 19861211


EP 86402774 A 19861211

Abstract (en)

1. Process for obtaining a flexible container (1) which is disposable after use, for the packaging of sterile products, especially of semi-finished pharmaceutical products, characterized in that it consists, in combination, of : a) cutting out two identical strips of web (2, 3) in the shape of a bottle ; b) sewing onto each strip of web (2, 3) two sleeves of oblong shape (7, 8, 9, 10) in order that the space defined between the two upper sleeves (7, 8) and the two lower sleeves (9, 10) should form, after assembly of the said two strip of web (2, 3), a body of cubic shape (11) ; c) constructing a pocket (4) of a shape similar to that of the two strips of web (2, 3), which includes a sealed weld (5, 6) at each end, onto the surface of each one of the said two strips of web (2, 3) ; d) cementing the said pocket (4) e) assembling the two strips of web (2, 3) by two vertical sewings (12, 13) which are symmetrically opposite, the part (14) beneath the two lower sleeves (9, 10) forming a funnel (15) in the shape of a truncated cone terminated by an orifice (16) closed by a first strap (17) while the part (18) above the two upper sleeves (7, 8) which is defined from the sewings (19) of the said upper sleeves (7, 8) forms a skirt (20) provided, at the end, with an orifice (21) and equipped with a second strap (22') for closing after filling ; f) folding flat the said container (1) in such a manner that the two orifices (16, 21) are within the folding.

Abstract (fr)

Le procédé consiste à découper deux bandes de toiles identiques, en forme de bouteille, à confectionner une poche de forme analogue à celle de deux bandes de toile, à coller la poche, à coudre sur chaque bande de toile deux fourreaux 7, 8, 9, 10 afin que l'espace délimité entre les deux fourreaux supérieurs 7, 8 et les deux fourreaux inférieurs 9, 10 constitue après assemblage desdites bandes de toile un corps de forme cubique 11, à assembler les deux bandes de toile par deux coutures verticales symétriquement opposées, la partie 14 sous les deux fourreaux inférieurs 9, 10 constituant une trémie 15 en forme de tronc de cône terminé par un orifice 16 fermé par une sangle 17 tandis que la partie 18 au-dessus des deux fourreaux supérieurs 7, 8 qui est définie à partir des coutures 19 desdits fourreaux supérieurs 7, 8, constitue une jupe 20 pourvue en bout d'un orifice 21 et munie d'une sangle 22.

IPC 1-7

B65D 88/16; B65D 90/20

IPC 8 full level

B65D 88/16 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B65D 88/1618 (2013.01); B65D 88/1668 (2013.01); B65D 88/1687 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0270717 A1 19880615; EP 0270717 B1 19900502; DE 270717 T1 19881103; DE 3670817 D1 19900607; ES 2002696 A4 19881001; ES 2002696 B3 19900801

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 86402774 A 19861211; DE 3670817 T 19861211; DE 86402774 T 19861211; ES 86402774 T 19861211