EP 0292234 A2 19881123 - Low water content emulsion.
Title (en)
Low water content emulsion.
Title (de)
Emulsion mit niedrigem Wasseranteil.
Title (fr)
Emulsion à basse teneur en eau.
ZA 873631 A 19870520
Abstract (en)
The invention provides an emulsion explosive of the so-called water-in-oil type. An aqueous oxidizing salt-containing component forms the discontinuous phase of the emulsion. A fuel-containing component forms its continuous phase and is immiscible with the discontinuous phase. The explosive comprises at most 9% by mass water and the discontinuous phase has a crystallization point of at least 80 DEG C.
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
C06B 47/14 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
C06B 47/145 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0292234 A2 19881123; EP 0292234 A3 19890503; AU 1567388 A 19881124; CA 1335330 C 19950425; GB 2204865 A 19881123; GB 8811640 D0 19880622; MW 1088 A1 19890111; NO 882199 D0 19880520; NO 882199 L 19881121; ZW 5188 A1 19890927
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 88304449 A 19880517; AU 1567388 A 19880506; CA 566531 A 19880511; GB 8811640 A 19880517; MW 1088 A 19880505; NO 882199 A 19880520; ZW 5188 A 19880503