EP 0325021 A2 19890726 - Circulation system and method for reducing foaming in the dampening system of a printing press.
Title (en)
Circulation system and method for reducing foaming in the dampening system of a printing press.
Title (de)
Zirkulationsvorrichtung und Verfahren um das Schäumen in der Anfeuchtvorrichtung einer Druckmaschine zu verhindern.
Title (fr)
Dispositif de circulation et procédé pour empêcher l'écumage dans le système de mouillage d'une machine à imprimer.
US 14299388 A 19880112
Abstract (en)
A circulation system for reducing foaming of the water or water and isopropanol wetting fluid circulating in a printing press, comprises a fountain pan (20) which drains into a vented return conduit (26). The vent exhausts air drawn into the circulation system to minimize foaming. A sump (36) is provided at a low point in the circulation system to prevent air entrainment in the system during start up. Wetting fluid is drawn from the sump (36) by a venturi tube (38) calibrated to provide a sufficient amount of suction that will drain the sump (36) but which will not draw air into the circulation system from the fountain pan (20). The venturi tube (38) has at least one, and preferably two orifices (52, 54) therein. The circulation system allows increased wetting fluid flow rates while reducing foaming, reducing the temperature increase across the fountain pan inlet and outlet by one-half of that of prior art devices.
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
B41F 7/32 (2006.01); B41F 33/00 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
B41F 33/0054 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0325021 A2 19890726; EP 0325021 A3 19900321; CN 1038970 A 19900124; JP H01180341 A 19890718
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 88307801 A 19880823; CN 89100238 A 19890111; JP 24219288 A 19880927