EP 0337868 A2 19891018 - Method and apparatus for signal discrimination.
Title (en)
Method and apparatus for signal discrimination.
Title (de)
Verfahren und Einrichtung zur Signalunterscheidung.
Title (fr)
Procédé et dispositif de discrimination de signal.
FR 8804824 A 19880412
Abstract (en)
The device can be used particularly for recognising the presence of an audio-frequency programme signal in an input signal. In the device, the input signal is sampled and the samples are subjected to amplitude analysis during successive time intervals of predetermined duration which is long enough for the distribution gathered to be representative of the distribution of amplitudes obtained for several successive intervals in the input signal. The amplitude distributions are compared in order to identify the presence of the programme on the basis of stochastic properties of the programme signal. This process can be implemented in a device incorporating a sampling means, a multi-channel analyser (30) and a computer means (36). <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
G10L 25/78 (2013.01)
CPC (source: EP)
G10L 25/78 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0337868 A2 19891018; EP 0337868 A3 19901024; EP 0337868 B1 19931215; DE 68911355 D1 19940127; DE 68911355 T2 19940721; FR 2629964 A1 19891013; FR 2629964 B1 19910308
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 89400978 A 19890410; DE 68911355 T 19890410; FR 8804824 A 19880412