EP 0461995 B2 20000322 - Fiber product recycling in a production line from fibers mat
Title (en)
Fiber product recycling in a production line from fibers mat
Title (de)
Faserproduktrückgewinnung in einer Vliesenherstellung aus Fasern
Title (fr)
Recyclage de produits fibreux dans une ligne de production de matelas à partir de fibres
FR 9007261 A 19900612
Abstract (en)
[origin: EP0461995A1] The invention relates to the techniques of producing mineral-fibre mats. <??>It is proposed to store the flakes originating from the waste to be recycled. For storage, the flakes are graded according to their density. On the other hand, the quantities reintroduced are accurately metered, and the flakes are broken open. <??>Substantially larger quantities can thereby be reintroduced, without modifying either the appearance or the characteristics of the product obtained. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
D04H 1/00; C03B 37/022; D01G 13/00; D01G 23/06; D01G 25/00; D01D 5/18
IPC 8 full level
A47C 27/00 (2006.01); B68G 5/00 (2006.01); C03B 37/10 (2006.01); D04H 1/00 (2006.01); D04H 1/4209 (2012.01); D04H 1/4218 (2012.01); D04H 1/4226 (2012.01); D04H 1/4274 (2012.01); D04H 1/72 (2012.01)
CPC (source: EP KR US)
D04H 1/00 (2013.01 - KR); D04H 1/4209 (2013.01 - EP US); D04H 1/4218 (2013.01 - EP US); D04H 1/4226 (2013.01 - EP US); D04H 1/4274 (2013.01 - EP US); D04H 1/72 (2013.01 - EP US)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0461995 A1 19911218; EP 0461995 B1 19950329; EP 0461995 B2 20000322; AR 244818 A1 19931130; AT E120504 T1 19950415; AU 648077 B2 19940414; AU 7706391 A 19911219; BR 9102376 A 19920114; CA 2044334 A1 19911213; CA 2044334 C 20010116; DE 69108456 D1 19950504; DE 69108456 T2 19951102; DE 69108456 T3 20001123; DK 0461995 T3 19950724; DK 0461995 T4 20000821; ES 2072567 T3 19950716; ES 2072567 T5 20000701; FI 912811 A0 19910611; FI 912811 A 19911213; FR 2663049 A1 19911213; FR 2663049 B1 19940513; IE 911803 A1 19911218; JP H04231994 A 19920820; KR 0167788 B1 19990115; KR 920001012 A 19920129; NO 912152 D0 19910605; NO 912152 L 19911213; NZ 238137 A 19940225; TR 28611 A 19961114; US 5167738 A 19921201; ZA 914024 B 19920325
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 91401549 A 19910611; AR 31991891 A 19910612; AT 91401549 T 19910611; AU 7706391 A 19910516; BR 9102376 A 19910607; CA 2044334 A 19910611; DE 69108456 T 19910611; DK 91401549 T 19910611; ES 91401549 T 19910611; FI 912811 A 19910611; FR 9007261 A 19900612; IE 180391 A 19910527; JP 14022491 A 19910612; KR 910009491 A 19910610; NO 912152 A 19910605; NZ 23813791 A 19910514; TR 54991 A 19910529; US 71328191 A 19910611; ZA 914024 A 19910528