Global Patent Index - EP 0551719 A1

EP 0551719 A1 19930721 - Hand-held percussive tool incorporating apparatus for reducing vibration transmission to the user.

Title (en)

Hand-held percussive tool incorporating apparatus for reducing vibration transmission to the user.

Title (de)

Handgehaltenes Schlagwerkzeug mit vibrationsdämpfender Einrichtung.

Title (fr)

Outil de frappe porté à main avec dispositif pour réduire la transmission des vibrations aux utilisateurs.


EP 0551719 A1 19930721 (EN)


EP 92309846 A 19921028


GB 9126979 A 19911217

Abstract (en)

An air-operated percussive tool incorporates apparatus for reducing vibration transmission from a working end portion (1) to a hand grip (2), thereby to reduce vibration transmission to the hand/arm of the user. The apparatus includes a male frustoconical portion (3) whose tip is located facing a female bed (4) with the base of the frustoconical part attached to the handle grip (2) whilst the bed (4) is attached to the working end portion (1). Three rubber balls (5) are trapped between the portion (3) and bed (4) and the balls are located in their mean positions under compression. Oscillatory movement of the female bed parallel to the longitudinal access of the frustocone causes the balls to roll on the male and female surfaces and effectively provide a rising spring rate or stiffness. Means are also provided for reducing vibration transmissions from the actual working tool portion to a casing (12) of the tool. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B25D 17/04; B25D 17/24

IPC 8 full level

B25D 17/04 (2006.01); B25D 17/24 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B25D 17/043 (2013.01); B25D 17/24 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

GB 2262467 A 19930623; GB 9126979 D0 19920219; DE 69215494 D1 19970109; DE 69215494 T2 19970522; EP 0551719 A1 19930721; EP 0551719 B1 19961127; ES 2094884 T3 19970201; TW 224436 B 19940601

DOCDB simple family (application)

GB 9126979 A 19911217; DE 69215494 T 19921028; EP 92309846 A 19921028; ES 92309846 T 19921028; TW 81105771 A 19920721