Global Patent Index - EP 0559548 A1

EP 0559548 A1 19930908 - Mobile projectile launcher avoiding stress to person firing same.

Title (en)

Mobile projectile launcher avoiding stress to person firing same.

Title (de)

Mobiler Munitionswerfer der den Stress des Schützen vermeidet.

Title (fr)

Lanceur de munitions mobile évitant le stress du tireur.


EP 0559548 A1 19930908


EP 93400528 A 19930302


FR 9202496 A 19920303

Abstract (en)

The launcher of the invention comprises, on the one hand, an ammunition launching tube (4) with a spring-type energy accumulator, launching the ammunition vertically, and, on the other hand, an aiming device (24) carried by the firer. When the ammunition has reached its highest point, boosters cause it to rotate about its centre of gravity in the direction of the target, and a self-propulsion system is ignited. <IMAGE>

Abstract (fr)

Le lanceur de l'invention comporte d'une part un tube lanceur de munitions (4) à accumulateur d'énergie à ressort, lançant la munition verticalement, et d'autre part un dispositif de visée (24) porté par le tireur. La munition ayant atteint son apogée, des impulseurs la font tourner autour de son centre de gravité en direction de la cible, et un système autopropulseur est mis à feu. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

F41G 3/22; F42B 23/16

IPC 8 full level

F41G 3/22 (2006.01); F42B 23/16 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F41G 3/225 (2013.01); F42B 23/16 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0559548 A1 19930908; FR 2688303 A1 19930910; FR 2688303 B1 19940422

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 93400528 A 19930302; FR 9202496 A 19920303