Global Patent Index - EP 0560013 B1

EP 0560013 B1 19960605 - Wooden panel

Title (en)

Wooden panel

Title (de)


Title (fr)

Panneau en bois


EP 0560013 B1 19960605 (DE)


EP 93100260 A 19930111


DE 4207752 A 19920312

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0560013A1] A wooden panel (1) has at least five layers which are arranged in a sheet-like fashion one above the other in the manner of a grid and the layer elements of which are arranged crosswise or parallel with respect to elements of neighbouring layers. The crosswise arrangement results in high stability and the parallel arrangement results in the wooden panel being sealed in the transverse direction. The design of the wooden panel permits the use of comparatively small-format strips or planks, and thus a cost-effective utilization of left-over wood. The wooden panel (1) can be used as a load-bearing wall element, ceiling element or roofing element. In a pre-mounting position, the wooden panel may also be divided up into a flat side plane, the part-panels then comprising in each case a part of the layers of the wooden panel. The part-panels are mounted at the mounting location, such that they face one another on the flat side, and then, together, form a wooden panel again. This configuration is particularly advantageous when erecting partition walls. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

E04C 2/12

IPC 8 full level

E04B 1/10 (2006.01); E04C 2/12 (2006.01); E04C 2/42 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E04B 1/10 (2013.01); E04C 2/12 (2013.01); E04C 2/42 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0560013 A1 19930915; EP 0560013 B1 19960605; AT E138999 T1 19960615; DE 4207752 A1 19930916; DE 59302778 D1 19960711

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 93100260 A 19930111; AT 93100260 T 19930111; DE 4207752 A 19920312; DE 59302778 T 19930111