Global Patent Index - EP 0576212 B1

EP 0576212 B1 19990414 - Purifying molten metal

Title (en)

Purifying molten metal

Title (de)

Reinigen von geschmolzenem Metall

Title (fr)

Purification de métal fondu


EP 0576212 B1 19990414 (EN)


EP 93304736 A 19930617


GB 9212953 A 19920618

Abstract (en)

[origin: GB2267855A] Unwanted solid, non-metallic inclusions arc removed from molten metal in a refractory-lined vessel such as a tundish by bubbling inert gas upwardly through the metal by providing a gas permeable nozzle block (16) shaped to contain a nozzle (17) with a centrally-disposed through bore and to be sealingly set in the refractory lining (13) of a vessel (10) to contain molten metal, the nozzle block (16) having a gas-receiving channel (18) to extend around the nozzle (17) and means to connect the gas-receiving channel (18) to a source of gas. The gas-receiving channel may contain a pipe having perforations in its upper surface. The nozzle block may be substantially non-porous below the gas-receiving channel and the composition of the nozzle block may compose at least 75% by weight alumina. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B22D 1/00; C22B 9/05; B22D 41/58

IPC 8 full level

B22D 1/00 (2006.01); B22D 41/58 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B22D 1/005 (2013.01); B22D 41/58 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

GB 2267855 A 19931222; GB 2267855 B 19950920; GB 9312074 D0 19930728; DE 69324408 D1 19990520; DE 69324408 T2 19991216; EP 0576212 A2 19931229; EP 0576212 A3 19941123; EP 0576212 B1 19990414; ES 2132188 T3 19990816; GB 9212953 D0 19920729

DOCDB simple family (application)

GB 9312074 A 19930611; DE 69324408 T 19930617; EP 93304736 A 19930617; ES 93304736 T 19930617; GB 9212953 A 19920618