Global Patent Index - EP 0616172 A1

EP 0616172 A1 19940921 - Device for signaling the operation conditions and the failures in a burner.

Title (en)

Device for signaling the operation conditions and the failures in a burner.

Title (de)

Meldeeinrichtung der Betriebszustände und Fehler in einem Brenner.

Title (fr)

Dispositif de signalisation des conditions d'opération et de défaillance dans un brûleur.


EP 0616172 A1 19940921 (EN)


EP 94103178 A 19940303


IT VI930042 A 19930318

Abstract (en)

A device for showing the operation conditions of the failures in a burner comprising, in combination: an instrument for counting and visualizing the time (10) beginning from the moment in which the control and monitoring instrumentation gives the consent to start to the burner; a plurality of pilot lights (1-6), each of them indicating at least: the presence or the absence of the mains voltage (1); the operation or the failure of the burner motor (2); the operation or the failure of the burner (3); the operation or the failure of the first fuel valve of the burner (5); the operation or the failure of an eventual second fuel valve of the burner (4); the waiting condition or the failure of the control and monitoring instrumentation of the burner (6). According to a preferred embodiment the instrument for the time counting is a microprocessor (24) able to repeat the count at each consent to start given to the burner. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

F23N 5/24

IPC 8 full level

F23N 5/24 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F23N 5/242 (2013.01); F23N 2223/08 (2020.01); F23N 2223/22 (2020.01); F23N 2231/20 (2020.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0616172 A1 19940921; IT 1270909 B 19970513; IT VI930042 A0 19930318; IT VI930042 A1 19940918

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 94103178 A 19940303; IT VI930042 A 19930318