Global Patent Index - EP 0629829 B2

EP 0629829 B2 20000405 - Air distillation plant

Title (en)

Air distillation plant

Title (de)


Title (fr)

Installation de distillation d'air


EP 0629829 B2 20000405 (FR)


EP 94401215 A 19940602


FR 9306645 A 19930603

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0629829A1] This plant, of modular design which is easy to transport and to assemble on the site, comprises: an air compressor unit (1); two bottles (tanks) (2A, 2B) for purification of air by adsorption; an air distillation column (5); one or two frameworks (13, 31) in which all the other elements of the plant are mounted: heat exchangers (24, 25), cold accessories (26, 27), hot accessories (14, 17, 18, 19), all the connecting pipes and all the monitoring, control and instrumentation elements (21, 28); and conduits (6) for connection between the various parts of the plant. Application to double-column air distillation plants. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

F25J 3/04

IPC 8 full level

F25J 3/04 (2006.01); F25J 3/08 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

F25J 3/04872 (2013.01 - EP US); F25J 3/0489 (2013.01 - EP US); F25J 3/04945 (2013.01 - EP US); Y10S 62/905 (2013.01 - EP)

Citation (opposition)

Opponent :

  • DE 2822774 A1 19791129 - LINDE AG
  • AT 216721 B 19610810 - LUDOWICI JOHANN WILHELM DR ING [DE]
  • EP 0538857 A1 19930428 - LINDE AG [DE]
  • Güther, H., "Standard air separation plants, Type of application, High-purity gases, New developments", 5ème Symposium sur les installations de distillation d'air, Munich, 25.-27.06.86
  • Winkler, D., "Neue technische Lösungen bei kleinen Luftzerlegern", Symposium Linde sur les installations de distillation d'air, octobre 1980

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0629829 A1 19941221; EP 0629829 B1 19970502; EP 0629829 B2 20000405; CA 2124898 A1 19941204; CN 1049842 C 20000301; CN 1118277 A 19960313; CN 1261653 A 20000802; DE 69402914 D1 19970605; DE 69402914 T2 19971218; DE 69402914 T3 20001109; ES 2104301 T3 19971001; ES 2104301 T5 20000701; FR 2706025 A1 19941209; FR 2706025 B1 19950728; JP H06347164 A 19941220; US 5461871 A 19951031

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 94401215 A 19940602; CA 2124898 A 19940601; CN 94106522 A 19940603; CN 99108946 A 19990701; DE 69402914 T 19940602; ES 94401215 T 19940602; FR 9306645 A 19930603; JP 11671394 A 19940530; US 24825594 A 19940524