EP 0631022 B1 20000419 - Tridimensional element for building purposes and its manufacturing process
Title (en)
Tridimensional element for building purposes and its manufacturing process
Title (de)
Raumkörper zur Errichtung von Bauwerken und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung
Title (fr)
Elément tridimensionnel pour la construction d'ouvrages et procédé pour sa fabrication
DE 4314714 A 19930504
Abstract (en)
[origin: EP0631022A2] The invention discloses a free-standing carcass unit or system-built structural unit, as three-dimensional body for constructing single-storey or multiple-storey building structures from a multiplicity of such three-dimensional bodies, each three-dimensional body being made up to prefabricated compound elements which each form a two-hinged frame in the longitudinal direction and a three-hinged frame in the transverse direction. The three-hinged frame can be transferred into a two-hinged frame by positive or frictional locking. Advantageously, the two prefabricated compound elements are produced together from concrete in such a manner that, after their manufacture, they can be separated for transportation and/or for storage, can be connected once again on site for constructing the building structure, and can be separated once again for dismantling the building structure in order then, if appropriate, to be used in a corresponding manner for constructing another building structure. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
B28B 1/00 (2006.01); B28B 23/00 (2006.01); E04B 1/348 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
B28B 23/00 (2013.01); E04B 1/34823 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0631022 A2 19941228; EP 0631022 A3 19950719; EP 0631022 B1 20000419; AT E191944 T1 20000515; DE 4314714 A1 19941117; DE 59409294 D1 20000525; ES 2147563 T3 20000916
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 94106923 A 19940503; AT 94106923 T 19940503; DE 4314714 A 19930504; DE 59409294 T 19940503; ES 94106923 T 19940503