Global Patent Index - EP 0635611 B1

EP 0635611 B1 19980121 - Device for locking the bolts actuated by the strike lock in a two-wing emergency door

Title (en)

Device for locking the bolts actuated by the strike lock in a two-wing emergency door

Title (de)

Zwei-flügelige Sicherheitstür mit Panikschlossgesteuerte Verriegelungsvorrichtung für Riegel

Title (fr)

Dispositif de verrouillage pour pêne actionné par serrure anti-panique d'une porte à deux vantaux


EP 0635611 B1 19980121 (EN)


EP 94110746 A 19940711


IT BO930329 A 19930721

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0635611A1] Device for locking the bolts actuated by the strike lock in a two-wing emergency door including a casing (1) adapted to be arranged in a seat of the upper edge of the wing on which the strike lock is applied; the casing (1) is provided with a hole (11) for the passage of the bolt (12), and a sensor (14) is slideable in the casing; the sensor (14) is loaded by a spring (26) and has an end which is meant to cooperate with the lintel (28) of the walled frame of the door and has a chamfer (25); in the sensor there is a pin (20) which is movable transversely and the opposite ends whereof engage slots (21, 22) of the casing (1) which are shaped so as to lock the bolt (12) in retracted position when the sensor (14) is pushed out of the casing (1) by virtue of the action of the spring (26). <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

E05B 63/20; E05B 17/20; E05B 65/10

IPC 8 full level

E05B 17/20 (2006.01); E05B 63/20 (2006.01); E05B 65/10 (2006.01); E05C 7/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E05B 17/2015 (2013.01); E05B 63/20 (2013.01); E05B 65/1013 (2013.01); E05C 7/00 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0635611 A1 19950125; EP 0635611 B1 19980121; DE 69408050 D1 19980226; DE 69408050 T2 19980820; ES 2111809 T3 19980316; IT 1264174 B1 19960923; IT BO930329 A0 19930721; IT BO930329 A1 19950121

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 94110746 A 19940711; DE 69408050 T 19940711; ES 94110746 T 19940711; IT BO930329 A 19930721