EP 0643171 A1 19950315 - Means for spraying longitudinal road markings.
Title (en)
Means for spraying longitudinal road markings.
Title (de)
Title (fr)
Dispositif de repassage des marquages routiers longitudinaux.
FR 9310852 A 19930913
Abstract (en)
Device for reapplying longitudinal road markings (A), comprising a vehicle (10), one or two spray-gun assemblies (12, 13) which can be positioned vertically (14, 15, 16) and horizontally (18, 19, 20), transversely to the direction of advance of the vehicle, opening and closing (22, 23, 24) of the spray-gun assemblies also being adjustable. This device comprises a main (servo) control (slaving) means (UCP, 30, TS, MC) and has overall control of the position of the spray-gun assemblies (12, 13), their opening and closing sequences, as well as one or two means (UCL1, UCL2; 40, TS1, MC1; 40', TS2, MC2) which locally control at least the adjustment of the spray-gun assembly in question, transversely to the direction of advance of the vehicle (10). <IMAGE>
Abstract (fr)
Dispositif de repassage des marquages routiers longitudinaux (A) comprenant un véhicule (10), un ou deux ensembles à pistolets (12,13) susceptibles d'être positionnés verticalement (14, 15, 16) et horizontalement (18,19, 20), transversalement à la direction de progression du véhicule, l'ouverture et la fermeture (22, 23, 24) des ensembles à pistolets étant également réglable. Ce dispositif comprend un moyen principal d'asservissement (UCP, 30, TS, MC) et commande globalement la position des ensembles à pistolets (12, 13), leurs séquences d'ouverture et de fermeture, ainsi qu'un ou deux moyens (UCL1, UCL2 ; 40, TS1, MC1 ; 40', TS2, MC2) qui commandent localement au moins le réglage de l'ensemble à pistolets concerné, transversalement à la direction de progression du véhicule (10). <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
E01C 23/16 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
E01C 23/163 (2013.01)
Citation (search report)
- [ADA] WO 8402150 A1 19840607 - ROAD CONST AUTHORITY [AU]
- [A] US 4892251 A 19900109 - BRESNEN HARRISON [US]
- [A] US 5203923 A 19930420 - HARTMAN WILLIAM H [US]
- [A] US 4247870 A 19810127 - GABEL LORNE G, et al
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0643171 A1 19950315; EP 0643171 B1 20000726; DE 69425354 D1 20000831; DE 69425354 T2 20010301; FR 2710084 A1 19950324; FR 2710084 B1 19960301
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 94402030 A 19940913; DE 69425354 T 19940913; FR 9310852 A 19930913