Global Patent Index - EP 0651058 B1

EP 0651058 B1 20000823 - Process for introducing a second flow of powdered materials into a pneumatic transport system conveying powdered materials with adjustable flow rate

Title (en)

Process for introducing a second flow of powdered materials into a pneumatic transport system conveying powdered materials with adjustable flow rate

Title (de)

Verfahren zum Einleiten eines zweiten Stromes pulverförmiger Materialien in ein pneumatisches, pulverförmige Materialienführendes, Fördersystem mit einstellbarer Durchflussregelung

Title (fr)

Procédé d'introduction d'un deuxième flux de matériaux pulvérulents dans une conduite de transport pneumatique véhiculant un premier débit réglable de matériaux pulvérulents


EP 0651058 B1 20000823 (FR)


EP 94114430 A 19940914


LU 88422 A 19931103

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0651058A1] The second flow of pulverulent materials is introduced at a controlled flow rate and the control of the first flow rate is rendered insensitive to the perturbations generated by the introduction of the second flow by controlling the first flow rate directly or indirectly upstream of the point of injection of the second flow. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

C21B 5/00; B01F 5/04

IPC 8 full level

B65G 53/66 (2006.01); B01F 33/40 (2022.01); C21B 5/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

B01F 23/69 (2022.01 - EP US); B01F 25/313 (2022.01 - EP US); B01F 33/404 (2022.01 - EP US); B01F 35/21 (2022.01 - EP US); B01F 35/2113 (2022.01 - EP US); B01F 35/2203 (2022.01 - EP US); B01F 35/2211 (2022.01 - EP US); C21B 5/003 (2013.01 - EP US); Y10S 75/961 (2013.01 - US)

Citation (examination)

EP 0211295 A1 19870225 - WURTH PAUL SA [LU]

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0651058 A1 19950503; EP 0651058 B1 20000823; BR 9404543 A 19950704; CA 2118262 A1 19950504; CA 2118262 C 20051122; DE 69425627 D1 20000928; DE 69425627 T2 20010419; LU 88422 A1 19950710; RU 2150422 C1 20000610; RU 94040172 A 19960920; US 5516356 A 19960514

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 94114430 A 19940914; BR 9404543 A 19941101; CA 2118262 A 19941017; DE 69425627 T 19940914; LU 88422 A 19931103; RU 94040172 A 19941103; US 32867794 A 19941025