EP 0654769 B1 20000426 - Device for arming a radio alarm system
Title (en)
Device for arming a radio alarm system
Title (de)
Vorrichtung zum Scharfschalten einer Funkalarmanlage
Title (fr)
Dispositif pour la mise en veille d'un système radio d'alarme
DE 4339318 A 19931118
Abstract (en)
[origin: EP0654769A1] The invention relates to a device for arming a radio alarm system, having a central alarm station (1), a plurality of detectors, these detectors being subdivided into two groups and the first group comprising detectors for securing the outside surface (outside skin, outside shell) and the second group comprising detectors for monitoring the interior space, and an additional closing device (2, 3) which is arranged on a closing door (main door) of an area to be monitored. According to the invention, the additional closing device (2, 3) is connected to a radio-transmitter unit (4) for radio-linking to the central alarm station (1), and on locking the additional closing device (2, 3) the detectors for securing the outside surface are armed. There is furthermore arranged, on the side of the additional closing device (2, 3) or of the radio-transmitter unit (4), a push-button switch or a switch (6), which is designed in such a manner that the switching state can be changed only when the additional closing device (2, 3) is open, and that in the case of a changed switching state of the switch or of the push-button switch (6) and on subsequent closing of the additional closing device (2, 3) all detectors are armed. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
E05B 45/06 (2006.01); G08B 13/22 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
E05B 45/06 (2013.01); G08B 25/008 (2013.01); E05B 2045/0695 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0654769 A1 19950524; EP 0654769 B1 20000426; AT E192253 T1 20000515; DE 4339318 C1 19950504; DE 59409305 D1 20000531
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 94118101 A 19941117; AT 94118101 T 19941117; DE 4339318 A 19931118; DE 59409305 T 19941117