Global Patent Index - EP 0656518 B1

EP 0656518 B1 19970129 - Firearm with recoil buffering, in particular handgun

Title (en)

Firearm with recoil buffering, in particular handgun

Title (de)

Schusswaffe mit Rückstossabpufferung, insbesondere Faustfeuerwaffe

Title (fr)

Arme à feu comportant un amortisseur de recul, en particulier arme à poing


EP 0656518 B1 19970129 (DE)


EP 94118693 A 19941128


DE 4341131 A 19931202

Abstract (en)

[origin: US5581046A] The invention discloses a hand-held firearm with a barrel assembly (2, 18, 36, & 54) moving back and forth essentially in or opposite the direction the weapon is fired in between a forward and a rear stop (44, 48, & 50) on or in a frame or grip assembly (12). A breech assembly (6 & 32) that moves back and forth essentially in the same direction as the barrel assembly between a forward and closed position and a rear and open position, moving out of the closed position and into the open position against the force of a closure spring (16) and, at the end of its return stroke, the frame or grip assembly or a component (64 or 64') resting off it. A buffering spring (66) tensions the barrel assembly toward the forward stop (44 or 50) and buffers its contact with the rear stop (44 or 48). The closure spring (16) and the buffering spring (66) are correlated to ensure that the breech assembly will strike the frame or grip assembly or the component supported off it essentially at the instant the barrel assembly comes into contact with the forward stop.

IPC 1-7

F41A 3/86; F41A 5/04; F41A 25/12

IPC 8 full level

F41A 3/86 (2006.01); F41A 5/04 (2006.01); F41A 25/12 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP KR US)

F41A 3/86 (2013.01 - EP KR US); F41A 5/04 (2013.01 - EP KR US)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

US 5581046 A 19961203; AT E148552 T1 19970215; CA 2136594 A1 19950603; CA 2136594 C 20000704; DE 4341131 C1 19950202; DE 59401713 D1 19970313; EP 0656518 A1 19950607; EP 0656518 B1 19970129; ES 2098852 T3 19970501; KR 100193178 B1 19990615; KR 950019620 A 19950724

DOCDB simple family (application)

US 34963594 A 19941202; AT 94118693 T 19941128; CA 2136594 A 19941124; DE 4341131 A 19931202; DE 59401713 T 19941128; EP 94118693 A 19941128; ES 94118693 T 19941128; KR 19940032364 A 19941201