EP 0668235 B1 19990526 - Feeding and unlocking system for lift doors
Title (en)
Feeding and unlocking system for lift doors
Title (de)
Mitnehmer- und Entriegelungssystem für Aufzugstüren
Title (fr)
Système d'entraînement et de déverrouillage pour portes d'ascenseur
EP 94102545 A 19940221
Abstract (en)
[origin: EP0668235A1] A locking system for the doors of a lift comprises a solenoid (1) with armature (2) and air bellows (3). The latter communicates via a tube (4) with the bellows (26) for the lock. This has a reinforced front surface (22) and an internal spring (14) to bias it into the extended position. It is withdrawn by vacuum from the first bellows when the armature is moved. On the surface of the second bellows is a roller (6) operating the door for the lift shaft by means of a thrust rod (8). The movement of the two bellows is determined by microswitches feeding a monitoring system connected to an auxiliary vacuum pump.
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
E05B 47/00 (2006.01); B66B 13/12 (2006.01); B66B 13/20 (2006.01); E05B 51/02 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP US)
B66B 13/12 (2013.01 - EP US)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0668235 A1 19950823; EP 0668235 B1 19990526; AT E180462 T1 19990615; CA 2142073 A1 19950822; DE 59408312 D1 19990701; ES 2134278 T3 19991001; JP H07267545 A 19951017; US 5544720 A 19960813
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 94102545 A 19940221; AT 94102545 T 19940221; CA 2142073 A 19950208; DE 59408312 T 19940221; ES 94102545 T 19940221; JP 3254195 A 19950221; US 37859795 A 19950126