Global Patent Index - EP 0673084 B1

EP 0673084 B1 19971126 - Housing element of an electrical connector

Title (en)

Housing element of an electrical connector

Title (de)

Gehäuseteil eines elektrischen Verbinders

Title (fr)

Elément de boîtier de connecteur électrique


EP 0673084 B1 19971126 (FR)


EP 95400516 A 19950310


FR 9402943 A 19940314

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0673084A1] The electrical connection element comprises a housing (1) in which there is a series of channels, each of which is intended to receive and electrical contact. A locking key (25) is provided to cooperate with this housing in order to retain the contacts. The locking key comprises a U-shaped element with two parallel branches (27, 28). The first branch is intended to be inserted in a slot in the main housing (1), whilst the second lies along the base of the housing. The first branch includes a pattern of keyhole shaped apertures such that contacts may first be fitted into the wider part of each keyhole, and then the locking key is moved in order to clamp the contacts in the narrow section of each keyhole slot.

IPC 1-7

H01R 13/436

IPC 8 full level

H01R 13/436 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01R 13/4362 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0673084 A1 19950920; EP 0673084 B1 19971126; DE 69501088 D1 19980108; DE 69501088 T2 19980319; ES 2112019 T3 19980316; FR 2717316 A1 19950915; FR 2717316 B1 19960531

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 95400516 A 19950310; DE 69501088 T 19950310; ES 95400516 T 19950310; FR 9402943 A 19940314