Global Patent Index - EP 0706963 A1

EP 0706963 A1 19960417 - Sheet transport and alignment apparatus

Title (en)

Sheet transport and alignment apparatus

Title (de)

Bogentransport- und Ausrichtvorrichtung

Title (fr)

Appareil de transport et d'alignement de feuilles


EP 0706963 A1 19960417 (DE)


EP 95116183 A 19951013


DE 4436681 A 19941013

Abstract (en)

The driven transport rollers (12) are at right angles to the straight-edge (16). There are idling rollers (18a,18b) adjacent to the straight-edge. They can turn freely and may press against the peripheries of the driven rollers. The axes of the driven rollers are at right angles to the straight-edge, whereas those of the idling rollers are inclined to it. The pressures with which the idling rollers bear against the driven ones can be individually adjustable, or alternatively by groups, typically using a wire under tension (32) bearing against the roller spindles. The latter can be one pivoting cranked levers (24). The levers can be stirrup-shaped, with one arm pivoting at one side of the straight-edge and the other passing through an opening in the latter, with the roller turning on its free end.

Abstract (de)

Die Bogentransport- und Ausrichtvorrichtung weist ein Führungslineal (16) und quer zu diesem angeordnete, angetriebene Transportwalzen (12) auf, gegen deren Mantelfläche jeweils eine Transportrolle (18a, 18b) dem Führungslineal (16) benachbart durch ihr Eigengewicht sowie durch einen zusätzlichen Spanndraht (32) angedrückt wird. Die Achsen der Transportwalzen (12) erstrecken sich senkrecht zum Führungslineal (16), während die Achsen der Transportrollen (18a, 18b) gegen die der Transportwalzen (12) zum Führungslineal (16) hin geneigt sind. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B65H 9/16

IPC 8 full level

B65H 9/16 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B65H 9/166 (2013.01)

Citation (applicant)

DD 297621 A5 19920116 - POLYGRAPH CONTACTA GMBH [DE]

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0706963 A1 19960417; EP 0706963 B1 19990331; DE 4436681 A1 19960418; DE 59505493 D1 19990506

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 95116183 A 19951013; DE 4436681 A 19941013; DE 59505493 T 19951013