Global Patent Index - EP 0709481 B1

EP 0709481 B1 20000126 - Low alloy steel for the manufacture of moulds for plastic materials or for rubber articles

Title (en)

Low alloy steel for the manufacture of moulds for plastic materials or for rubber articles

Title (de)

Niedrig legierter Stahl zur Herstellung von Spritzformen für plastische Werkstoffe oder für Gegenstände aus Gummi

Title (fr)

Acier faiblement allié pour la fabrication de moules pour matières plastiques ou pour caoutchouc


EP 0709481 B1 20000126 (FR)


EP 95402230 A 19951006


FR 9413029 A 19941031

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0709481A1] The low alloy steel comprises (wt.%): 0.24-0.35 C; 1-2.5 Mn; 0.3-2.5 Cr; 0.2-1.6 W; 0.1-0.8 (Mo+W/2); 0-25 Ni; 0-0.3 V; 0-0.5 Si; 0.002-0.005 B; 0.005-0.1 Al; 0-0.1 Ti; 0-0.02 P; and 0-2 Cu. There may also be present less than 0.1% of at least one of the following: Nb, Zr, S, Se, Te, Bi, Ca, Sb, Pb, In and rare earth elements. The remainder is Fe plus possible impurities. The compsn. also satisfies the following equations: U = 409(%C) + 19.3(%Cr + %Mo + %W/2) + %V) + 29.4(%Si) + 10(%Mn) + 7.2(%Ni) < 200 and R = 3.82(%C) + 9.79(%Si) + 3.34(%Mn) + 11.94(%P) + 2.39(%Ni) + 1.43(%Cr) + 1.43(%Mo + W/2) < 11.14.

IPC 1-7

C22C 38/32; C22C 38/54

IPC 8 full level

C22C 38/00 (2006.01); C22C 38/32 (2006.01); C22C 38/54 (2006.01); C22C 38/60 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

C22C 38/32 (2013.01 - EP US); C22C 38/54 (2013.01 - EP US)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0709481 A1 19960501; EP 0709481 B1 20000126; AT E189269 T1 20000215; CA 2161740 A1 19960501; CA 2161740 C 20050614; CN 1049700 C 20000223; CN 1129744 A 19960828; DE 69514755 D1 20000302; DE 69514755 T2 20000810; ES 2144113 T3 20000601; FR 2726287 A1 19960503; FR 2726287 B1 19970103; JP 3845805 B2 20061115; JP H08209298 A 19960813; PT 709481 E 20000630; TW 420721 B 20010201; US 5645794 A 19970708

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 95402230 A 19951006; AT 95402230 T 19951006; CA 2161740 A 19951030; CN 95118340 A 19951031; DE 69514755 T 19951006; ES 95402230 T 19951006; FR 9413029 A 19941031; JP 30645895 A 19951031; PT 95402230 T 19951006; TW 84110566 A 19951007; US 54001195 A 19951006