Global Patent Index - EP 0723791 B1

EP 0723791 B1 19980722 - Improvement for skis with a shell, provided with side edges supporting this shell

Title (en)

Improvement for skis with a shell, provided with side edges supporting this shell

Title (de)

Verbesserung für Skis mit mit Stützkanten versehener Schale

Title (fr)

Perfectionnement aux skis à coque pourvus de chants de support de la coque


EP 0723791 B1 19980722 (FR)


EP 96420017 A 19960115


FR 9501298 A 19950130

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0723791A1] The skis each have a lower sliding surface (8) with metallic edge strips (9,10). A reinforcing pad (11) is placed on the lower surface, above which is a core (12). On one side of the core is a large section wall (3,4) forming a reinforcement longitudinally of the ski. The maximum height point of this wall (H1) can be offset longitudinally (d) w.r.t. the transverse line of maximum thickness of the ski.

IPC 1-7

A63C 5/04; A63C 5/07

IPC 8 full level

A63C 5/048 (2006.01); A63C 5/04 (2006.01); A63C 5/07 (2006.01); A63C 5/12 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

A63C 5/0411 (2013.01 - EP US); A63C 5/07 (2013.01 - EP US)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0723791 A1 19960731; EP 0723791 B1 19980722; AT E168573 T1 19980815; DE 69600440 D1 19980827; DE 69600440 T2 19990422; FR 2729866 A1 19960802; FR 2729866 B1 19970411; JP H08229182 A 19960910; US 5678841 A 19971021

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 96420017 A 19960115; AT 96420017 T 19960115; DE 69600440 T 19960115; FR 9501298 A 19950130; JP 3419696 A 19960130; US 58379596 A 19960116