Global Patent Index - EP 0726036 A1

EP 0726036 A1 19960814 - Shoe with controlled flex

Title (en)

Shoe with controlled flex

Title (de)

Schuh mit kontrollierter Flexibilität

Title (fr)

Chaussure à flexibilité contrÔlée


EP 0726036 A1 19960814 (FR)


EP 96100144 A 19960108


FR 9501699 A 19950210

Abstract (en)

The boot consists of a foot section (2) surmounted by a leg section (4) which is at least partially pivotable of flexible relative to the foot section and incorporates at least one flexibility control element (1). The latter is made from a viscous material and located between the parts (22, 24) of the boot which overlap and move relative to one another when the leg section pivots; it operates by viscous friction. In variants of the design the flexibility control element can be located between other parts of the boot which slide relative to one another, e.g. at the heel or on top of the foot.

Abstract (fr)

Chaussure de sport comportant une base de coque (2) surmontée d'une tige (4) pivotante/flexible par rapport à la base de coque par l'intermédiaire d'un moyen de contrôle de la flexion (20). Un moyen de contrôle de la flexion est constitué d'un élément visqueux (1) interposé entre des parties mobiles (22-24) qui se chevauchent et se déplacent relativement l'une par rapport à l'autre lorsque la tige (4) pivote, formant un contrôle de flexion par frottement visqueux. L'élément visqueux (1) procure un freinage silencieux et constant entre les parties mobiles (22-24). <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

A43B 5/04

IPC 8 full level

A43B 5/04 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

A43B 5/0454 (2013.01 - EP US)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0726036 A1 19960814; EP 0726036 B1 19990609; AT E180949 T1 19990615; DE 69602774 D1 19990715; DE 69602774 T2 19991216; FR 2730390 A1 19960814; FR 2730390 B1 19970404; JP H08256804 A 19961008; US 5752331 A 19980519

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 96100144 A 19960108; AT 96100144 T 19960108; DE 69602774 T 19960108; FR 9501699 A 19950210; JP 1651396 A 19960201; US 59760496 A 19960206