EP 0738486 B1 20000322 - Extendable leg with safety lock mechanism, in particular for furniture peninsulae
Title (en)
Extendable leg with safety lock mechanism, in particular for furniture peninsulae
Title (de)
Höhenverstellbarer Fuss mit Sicherheitssperrvorrichtung, insbesondere für halbinselförmig angeordnete Möbel
Title (fr)
Pied à hauteur réglable avec dispositif d'arrêt de sécurité, en particulier pour meubles disposés en forme de presqu'île
IT MI950280 U 19950420
Abstract (en)
[origin: EP0738486A1] An extensible leg, in particular but not exclusively for, furniture peninsulae, comprises, in combination: a first tube (11) and a second tube (12) screw-threaded in (14) and screwed on a screw-threaded sleeve (15) integral with an end of said first tube (11). Between said tube (12) and said sleeve (15) a locking means (21,19) is provided which can be shifted between a first position in which said tubes (11,12) can be screwed on each other, and a second position in which said tubes (11,12) are stably locked in their mutual position. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
A47B 9/04 (2006.01); A47B 9/08 (2006.01); A47B 91/02 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
A47B 9/04 (2013.01); A47B 9/08 (2013.01); A47B 91/026 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0738486 A1 19961023; EP 0738486 B1 20000322; AT E190815 T1 20000415; DE 69607233 D1 20000427; DE 69607233 T2 20001130; ES 2146352 T3 20000801; IT 236830 Y1 20000817; IT MI950280 U1 19961020; IT MI950280 V0 19950420
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 96201013 A 19960416; AT 96201013 T 19960416; DE 69607233 T 19960416; ES 96201013 T 19960416; IT MI950280 U 19950420