Global Patent Index - EP 0745734 B1

EP 0745734 B1 20000426 - Cantilever plate element and/or seal element for reinforced building constructions

Title (en)

Cantilever plate element and/or seal element for reinforced building constructions

Title (de)

Kragplatten- und/oder Fugenelement für bewehrte Baukonstruktionen

Title (fr)

Elément de dalle en porte-à-faux et/ou élément de joint pour ouvrages de construction armés


EP 0745734 B1 20000426 (DE)


EP 96108404 A 19960528


DE 19519613 A 19950529

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0745734A1] The collar plate is formed by a structural body (1) of heat- insulating foam or other material. It has a through opening to take a tubular body (3) which has on its outer surface (45) several ribs (17) running in the circumferential direction whereby the tubular body can be supported on the inside wall (46) of the opening with force-locking or positive locking engagement. The outer dimensions of the ribs are slightly larger than the dimensions of the openings so that a force fit is produced. The ribs can run helically round the surface of the tubular body. The length of the tubular body is larger than the thickness of the structural body.

IPC 1-7

E04B 1/00

IPC 8 full level

E04B 1/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E04B 1/0038 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0745734 A1 19961204; EP 0745734 B1 20000426; AT E192204 T1 20000515; DE 19519613 A1 19961205; DE 19519613 C2 20000413; DE 59605023 D1 20000531

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 96108404 A 19960528; AT 96108404 T 19960528; DE 19519613 A 19950529; DE 59605023 T 19960528