Global Patent Index - EP 0749139 B1

EP 0749139 B1 20000202 - Gasinsulated M.T. circuit breaker

Title (en)

Gasinsulated M.T. circuit breaker

Title (de)

Gasisolierter Mittelspannungslastschalter

Title (fr)

Disjoncteur à moyenne tension et à isolement gazeux


EP 0749139 B1 20000202 (FR)


EP 96410062 A 19960530


FR 9507050 A 19950612

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0749139A1] The circuit breaker (10) includes a protective insulating envelope (12) filled with a dielectric gas and housing a pair of cross rails (14,16) directly connected to an isolating switch (18) of the main circuit (19). The switch includes an envelope (17) housing a fix contact (20) attached to the first rail (14) with screws 21). A mobile contact (22) rotates about an axis (24) in a support (26) attached to the second rail (16). The breaker envelope includes an auxiliary circuit with a cut-off chamber (34) which houses a pair of arc contacts (36,38). One of the arc contacts is mobile and can slide longitudinally between open and close positions. The arc contacts are connected in parallel with the two rails via a conductor (40).

IPC 1-7

H01H 33/12

IPC 8 full level

H01H 33/12 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

H01H 33/122 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0749139 A1 19961218; EP 0749139 B1 20000202; CN 1068963 C 20010725; CN 1144969 A 19970312; DE 69606465 D1 20000309; ES 2142561 T3 20000416; FR 2735277 A1 19961213; FR 2735277 B1 19970718

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 96410062 A 19960530; CN 96107667 A 19960612; DE 69606465 T 19960530; ES 96410062 T 19960530; FR 9507050 A 19950612