EP 0750080 B1 20000322 - Structures
Title (en)
Title (de)
Title (fr)
- EP 92310547 A 19921119
- GB 9215332 A 19920718
Abstract (en)
[origin: GB2268765A] A hollow roofing panel (10) of plastics material comprises one or more hollow ducts (22) and has at opposite sides thereof lower coupling members (24, 26), whereby elements may be connected to each other directly or indirectly, wherein the ducts are generally rectangular and formed between generally flat bottom and top walls (12 and 18 respectively) and vertical end (14) and intermediate walls. A stiffering beam (40), e.g. of aluminium engages the lower coupling members (24, 26, and also upper formations (32, 52) and has a barbed groove (50) for retaining a capping (60) with flexible edges (62) and resilient projections (64) for engaging the barbs. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
E04C 2/54 (2006.01); E04D 3/06 (2006.01); E04D 3/08 (2006.01); E04D 3/28 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
E04C 2/543 (2013.01); E04D 3/06 (2013.01); E04D 3/08 (2013.01); E04D 3/28 (2013.01); E04D 2003/0825 (2013.01); E04D 2003/085 (2013.01); E04D 2003/285 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
GB 2268765 A 19940119; GB 2268765 B 19970122; GB 9313948 D0 19930818; DE 69227030 D1 19981022; DE 69227030 T2 19990318; DE 69230839 D1 20000427; DE 69230839 T2 20000727; DK 0602289 T3 19990614; DK 0750080 T3 20000710; EP 0602289 A1 19940622; EP 0602289 B1 19980916; EP 0750080 A1 19961227; EP 0750080 B1 20000322; GB 2300012 A 19961023; GB 2300012 B 19970122; GB 9215332 D0 19920902; GB 9613271 D0 19960828
DOCDB simple family (application)
GB 9313948 A 19930706; DE 69227030 T 19921119; DE 69230839 T 19921119; DK 92310547 T 19921119; DK 96114528 T 19921119; EP 92310547 A 19921119; EP 96114528 A 19921119; GB 9215332 A 19920718; GB 9613271 A 19930706