Global Patent Index - EP 0754565 A1

EP 0754565 A1 19970122 - A concentrated dampening solution with an improved anti-staining activity for printing with a lithographic printing plate obtained according to the silver salt diffusion transfer process

Title (en)

A concentrated dampening solution with an improved anti-staining activity for printing with a lithographic printing plate obtained according to the silver salt diffusion transfer process

Title (de)

Feuchtwasserkonzentrat mit verbesserter Antifleckenaktivität für nach dem Verfahren der Silbersalz-Diffusions-Übertragung hergestellte lithographische Druckplatten

Title (fr)

Solution de mouillage concentrée avec activité de voilage réduite pour plaques d'impression lithographiques obtenues suivant le procédé de diffusion transfert au sel d'argent


EP 0754565 A1 19970122 (EN)


EP 95201974 A 19950718


EP 95201974 A 19950718

Abstract (en)

The present invention provides a concentrated dampening solution for use in a lithographic printing process having a pH between 3 and 6 and comprising a water-soluble organic solvent, a phosphate salt and a transparent pigment, characterized in that said transparent pigment is a modified silica in which the silica particles have a number average size of 0.003 to 0.100 mu m and in which the silica particles are coated with chemically combined atoms of an amphoteric metal which forms an insoluble silicate at a pH between 5 and 12, said metal atoms being chemically bound through oxygen atoms to silicon atoms in the surface of said particles, and the amount of said metal being such that : Gram atoms M/ Gram atoms Si = A/1250 to A/250000 where M is the metal and A is the surface area of the particles of the silica sol expressed in m<2>/g.

IPC 1-7

B41N 3/08

IPC 8 full level

G03F 7/07 (2006.01); B41M 1/06 (2006.01); B41N 3/08 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B41N 3/08 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0754565 A1 19970122; EP 0754565 B1 19990616; DE 69510341 D1 19990722; DE 69510341 T2 20000224; JP H0930143 A 19970204

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 95201974 A 19950718; DE 69510341 T 19950718; JP 20547696 A 19960717