Global Patent Index - EP 0759526 B1

EP 0759526 B1 20010613 - Expansion vessel in heating installation

Title (en)

Expansion vessel in heating installation

Title (de)

Ausdehnungsgefäss in einer Heizungsanlage

Title (fr)

Vase d'expansion dans une installation de chauffage


EP 0759526 B1 20010613 (DE)


EP 96110934 A 19960706


DE 19530745 A 19950822

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0759526A1] An end (36) of a conduit (32) running coaxially to the pipe coil (26) is connected with the back flow connection (14a) of the heating installation. The other end (34) of the coaxial conduit is open for the heating medium located in the accumulator. The pipe coil comprises a pressure-resistant material with high heat conductivity. The coaxial conduit is made of plastic and extends over the complete length of the pipe coil. The user water flowing in the pipe coil flows in the opposite direction to the hot water fed in the coaxial conduit. The back flow connection has a sleeve (40), which is connected with the connection-side end (36) of he coaxial conduit. The sleeve is of plastic.

IPC 1-7

F24D 3/10; F24D 3/08

IPC 8 full level

F24D 3/08 (2006.01); F24D 3/10 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

F24D 3/087 (2013.01); F24D 3/1008 (2013.01); F24D 3/1016 (2013.01)

Citation (examination)

DE 8529850 U1 19860102

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0759526 A1 19970226; EP 0759526 B1 20010613; DE 19633236 A1 19970227; DE 19633236 B4 20040708; DE 59607069 D1 20010719; ES 2158197 T3 20010901

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 96110934 A 19960706; DE 19633236 A 19960817; DE 59607069 T 19960706; ES 96110934 T 19960706