Global Patent Index - EP 0760408 B1

EP 0760408 B1 20001102 - Mobile sweeper

Title (en)

Mobile sweeper

Title (de)

Fahrbare Kehrmaschine

Title (fr)

Balayeuse mobile


EP 0760408 B1 20001102 (DE)


EP 96112083 A 19960726


DE 19531327 A 19950825

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0760408A1] The closed hollow plastics body (2) forming the sweeper chassis has a dust and dirt suction remover (16,23) at its inlet (20) and an outlet (29) joined to the suction exhauster (25). A filter (23) is fitted from outside to the inlet (20) which in turn is sealably connected to a dust and dirt collector (16) releasably joined to the main body (2). Once the collector has been fixed to the body, the collector wheels (17) form those of the sweeper as a whole. The chassis body has bearing surfaces (24,27) for the suction appts (25,28) which is so held to the body that the suction side of the appts seals onto the body outlet (29). The flat front part (3) of the main body (2) runs horizontally to terminate in an upwards angled rear part (6) so the outlet (20) is in the top part (5) of the flat front as against the inlet (2) which is arranged in the rear part (6). The chassis as such (2) is arranged over the brush roller (16) but extends right across the sweeping machine.

IPC 1-7

E01H 1/08

IPC 8 full level

E01H 1/08 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E01H 1/0827 (2013.01); E01H 1/0854 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

DE 19531327 A1 19970227; DE 59606079 D1 20001207; EP 0760408 A1 19970305; EP 0760408 B1 20001102

DOCDB simple family (application)

DE 19531327 A 19950825; DE 59606079 T 19960726; EP 96112083 A 19960726