Global Patent Index - EP 0761560 A1

EP 0761560 A1 19970312 - Container comprising a neck closed by a rectangular foil cover and tool for heat-sealing such a foil cover

Title (en)

Container comprising a neck closed by a rectangular foil cover and tool for heat-sealing such a foil cover

Title (de)

Behälterhals mit rechteckiger Verschlussfolie sowie Werkzeug zur Heisssiegelung der Verschlussfolie auf dem Behälterhals

Title (fr)

Récipient comportant un goulot fermé par un opercule rectangulaire et embout de thermoscellage d'un opercule sur le goulot d'un récipient


EP 0761560 A1 19970312 (FR)


EP 96401886 A 19960903


FR 9510477 A 19950907

Abstract (en)

The container (1), e.g. of plastic, is closed by a rectangular seal cap (4) with large (5) and small (6) corners projecting from the container's neck (2), the small corners being folded over and attached to the neck by thermal welding. The cap is thermally welded to the top of the container by a head with two projecting lugs which fold over and seal the small corners of the cap. The working faces of the two lugs are inclined at an angle of 45 degrees, and their lower edges lie parallel to the cap sealing face.

Abstract (fr)

L'opercule rectangulaire est disposé en porte-à-faux par rapport au goulot du récipient pour délimiter des pointes de grande dimension (5) et des pointes de petite dimension (6), ces dernières étant rabattues le long du goulot et fixées à celui-ci. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B65D 51/20; B65B 7/28; B65D 47/08

IPC 8 full level

B65B 7/28 (2006.01); B65D 51/20 (2006.01); B65D 77/20 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B65B 7/2878 (2013.01); B65D 51/20 (2013.01); B65D 77/2032 (2013.01); B65D 2251/0015 (2013.01); B65D 2251/0093 (2013.01); B65D 2577/205 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0761560 A1 19970312; EP 0761560 B1 19991222; DE 69605736 D1 20000127; DE 69605736 T2 20000706; FR 2738554 A1 19970314; FR 2738554 B1 19971114

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 96401886 A 19960903; DE 69605736 T 19960903; FR 9510477 A 19950907