EP 0774418 B1 20000209 - A cardboard box with a reinforced handle for hooking to a display case
Title (en)
A cardboard box with a reinforced handle for hooking to a display case
Title (de)
Faltschachtel mit verstärktem Tragegriffbereich zur Befestigung an einem Schaugestell
Title (fr)
Boîte en carton avec poignée renforcée pour l'accrochage à un présentoir
IT MI950794 U 19951120
Abstract (en)
[origin: EP0774418A1] A cardboard box with a grasping handle (2) formed by two side-by-side cardboard flaps (3) cut so as to define a slot (4) for coupling to a display case has the same slot (4) bordered by a pair of reinforcing plates (6) in rigid synthetic material endowed with slits identical to those of said slot (4) and applied and fastened together on opposite sides with respect to the two flaps (3) that form the grasping handle. <IMAGE>
IPC 1-7
IPC 8 full level
B65D 5/42 (2006.01)
CPC (source: EP)
B65D 5/4208 (2013.01)
Designated contracting state (EPC)
DOCDB simple family (publication)
EP 0774418 A1 19970521; EP 0774418 B1 20000209; DE 69606603 D1 20000316; DE 69606603 T2 20001019; ES 2142017 T3 20000401; IT 237291 Y1 20000905; IT MI950794 U1 19970520; IT MI950794 V0 19951120
DOCDB simple family (application)
EP 96203224 A 19961118; DE 69606603 T 19961118; ES 96203224 T 19961118; IT MI950794 U 19951120