Global Patent Index - EP 0805258 A3

EP 0805258 A3 20000412 - Reversible boring ram

Title (en)

Reversible boring ram

Title (de)

Umsteuerbares Rammbohrgerät

Title (fr)

Mouton de forage réversible


EP 0805258 A3 20000412 (DE)


EP 97106977 A 19970426


DE 19617603 A 19960502

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0805258A2] Connected with the control air conduit (19) is a regulating chamber. Connected with the control tube is a forward flow chamber. The control casing (10) is fitted with an inner collar (13) between two outer collars (11,12) of the control tube (4). In the control tube in the area of the one outer collar (11) is a control air channel (16) and in the area of the other outer collar (12) is an operating air hole (20). The control air channel is connected with a control air conduit running in the control tube.

IPC 1-7

E21B 4/14

IPC 8 full level

E21B 4/14 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP US)

E21B 4/145 (2013.01 - EP US)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

DE 19617603 C1 19970918; AU 1994597 A 19971106; AU 720846 B2 20000615; CA 2204230 A1 19971102; EP 0805258 A2 19971105; EP 0805258 A3 20000412; EP 0805258 B1 20031029; PL 183735 B1 20020731; PL 319720 A1 19971110; US 5954145 A 19990921

DOCDB simple family (application)

DE 19617603 A 19960502; AU 1994597 A 19970501; CA 2204230 A 19970501; EP 97106977 A 19970426; PL 31972097 A 19970428; US 84104097 A 19970429