Global Patent Index - EP 0822305 A1

EP 0822305 A1 19980204 - Parasol stand

Title (en)

Parasol stand

Title (de)


Title (fr)

Pied de parasol


EP 0822305 A1 19980204 (FR)


EP 97420132 A 19970728


FR 9609915 A 19960801

Abstract (en)

A sunshade base consists of a hollow body (1) which can be filled with a ballasting material, and a socket (5) in the centre of it to receive the foot of the sunshade support. The socket is connected to an inner reinforcing member (10) which passes from one side of the base to the other and is joined to it. The reinforcing member (10) is made from upper and lower components (11, 12) which are joined together by threaded surfaces, the upper component made with a horizontal collar (11b) which is supported by the base, and the lower one having a curved conical surface, diverging towards the bottom of the base. Both components of the reinforcing member have stiffening ribs (15, 16, 17).

Abstract (fr)

Pied de parasol comprenant une enveloppe (1), apte à être remplie d'une matière de lestage, et un tube creux (5) apte à recevoir l'extrémité inférieure d'un mât (6), caractérisé en ce que ledit tube creux est solidaire d'une entretoise de renfort (10), ladite entretoise traversant ladite enveloppe de part en part et venant en appui contre la surface de ladite enveloppe. L'entretoise (10) est formée d'un manchon supérieur (11) et d'un manchon inférieur (12) vissés ensemble et comprenant des surfaces (11b) de répartition des efforts sur l'enveloppe (1), ce qui permet de d'éviter les déformations de l'enveloppe et les risques de chute du parasol. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

E04H 12/22

IPC 8 full level

E04H 12/22 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E04H 12/2246 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0822305 A1 19980204; EP 0822305 B1 20021009; DE 69716197 D1 20021114; DE 69716197 T2 20030724; ES 2182013 T3 20030301; FR 2752003 A1 19980206; FR 2752003 B1 19981127

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 97420132 A 19970728; DE 69716197 T 19970728; ES 97420132 T 19970728; FR 9609915 A 19960801