Global Patent Index - EP 0829601 B1

EP 0829601 B1 20000405 - Espagnolette lock, in particular for doors of a vehicle, a container or other

Title (en)

Espagnolette lock, in particular for doors of a vehicle, a container or other

Title (de)

Treibstangenschloss, insbesondere für Türe eines Kraftwagens, eines Containers oder desgleichen

Title (fr)

Crémone, notamment destinée à des portes de camion, conteneur ou autres


EP 0829601 B1 20000405 (FR)


EP 97490029 A 19970912


FR 9611458 A 19960916

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0829601A1] The bolt (1) comprises upper (5) and lower (6) bolts connected by an activating rod (4). The lower and upper bolts have different dimensions along the rod longitudinal axis (17) but identical in the orthogonal direction. The bolts have the shape of a beak (18,19) each with a longitudinal axis (20,21) perpendicular to the rod axis. They have a transverse axis (22,23) perpendicular to the rod axis and the bolts' axis. The beak comprises a body (24,25) whose orthogonal projection on the plane defined by the longitudinal axis of the rod and bolts is that of an isosceles trapezoid.

IPC 1-7

E05B 65/16

IPC 8 full level

E05B 65/16 (2006.01); E05B 17/00 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

E05B 83/10 (2013.01); E05B 17/0025 (2013.01)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0829601 A1 19980318; EP 0829601 B1 20000405; DE 69701607 D1 20000511; DE 69701607 T2 20001019; ES 2147430 T3 20000901; FR 2753477 A1 19980320; FR 2753477 B1 19981127

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 97490029 A 19970912; DE 69701607 T 19970912; ES 97490029 T 19970912; FR 9611458 A 19960916