Global Patent Index - EP 0841167 A3

EP 0841167 A3 20000308 - Method of producing a through-hole, silicon substrate having a through-hole, device using such a substrate, method of producing an ink-jet print head, and ink-jet print head

Title (en)

Method of producing a through-hole, silicon substrate having a through-hole, device using such a substrate, method of producing an ink-jet print head, and ink-jet print head

Title (de)

Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Durchgangslochs, ein Silikonsubstrat mit einem solchen Durchgangsloch, eine Vorrichtung, mit diesem Substrat, Verfahren zur Herstellung eines Tintenstrahl-Druckkopfes und der so hergestellte Tintenstrahl-Druckkopf

Title (fr)

Méthode de production d'un trou traversant, substrat silicon avec un trou traversant, dispositif utilisant un substrat méthode de production d'une tête d'impression à jet d'encre et tête d'impression à jet d'encre


EP 0841167 A3 20000308 (EN)


EP 97119648 A 19971110


  • JP 29864296 A 19961111
  • JP 29864396 A 19961111

Abstract (en)

[origin: EP0841167A2] The invention provides a method of producing a through-hole, a substrate used to produce a through-hole, a substrate having a through-hole, and a device using such a through-hole or a substrate having such a through-hole, which are characterized in that: a through-hole can be produced only by etching a silicon substrate from its back side; the opening length d can be precisely controlled to a desired value regardless of the variations in the silicon wafer thickness, and the orientation flat angle, and also regardless of the type of a silicon crystal orientation-dependent anisotropic etchant employed; high productivity, high production reproducibility, and ease of production can be achieved; a high-liberality can be achieved in the shape of the opening end even if temperature treatment is performed at a high temperature for a long time; and a high-precision through-hole can be produced regardless of the shape of a device formed on the surface of a substrate. The method of producing a through-hole comprises the steps of: (a) forming a dummy layer on the principal surface of the substrate at a location where the through-hole will be formed, the dummy layer being capable of being selectively etched without etching the material of the substrate; (b) forming a passivation layer having resistance to an etching process on the substrate in such a manner that the dummy layer is covered with the passivation layer; (c) forming an etching mask layer on the back surface of the substrate, the etching mask layer having an opening corresponding to the dummy layer; (d) etching the substrate by means of a crystal orientation-dependent anisotropic etching process until the dummy layer is exposed via the opening; (e) removing the dummy layer by etching the dummy layer from the part which has been exposed in the step of etching the substrate; and (f) partially removing the passivation layer so as to form a through-hole. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

B41J 2/16

IPC 8 full level

B05D 1/28 (2006.01); B29C 70/58 (2006.01); B41J 2/16 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

B41J 2/1603 (2013.01); B41J 2/1628 (2013.01); B41J 2/1629 (2013.01); B41J 2/1631 (2013.01); B41J 2/1639 (2013.01); B41J 2/1642 (2013.01); B41J 2/1646 (2013.01); B41J 2202/13 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0841167 A2 19980513; EP 0841167 A3 20000308; EP 0841167 B1 20040915; DE 69730667 D1 20041021; DE 69730667 T2 20050922; DK 0841167 T3 20050124

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 97119648 A 19971110; DE 69730667 T 19971110; DK 97119648 T 19971110