Global Patent Index - EP 0841416 A1

EP 0841416 A1 19980513 - Stopping and restarting device in independent driven spindle in spinning machine

Title (en)

Stopping and restarting device in independent driven spindle in spinning machine

Title (de)

Stopp- und Wiederstarteinrichtung für eine unabhängig angetriebene Spindel in einer Spinnereimaschine

Title (fr)

Dispositif d'arrêt et de redémarrage pour une broche entraînée indépendamment dans un métier à filer


EP 0841416 A1 19980513 (EN)


EP 97810849 A 19971111


JP 31717196 A 19961112

Abstract (en)

Regarding an independently driven type spindle in a spinning machine, when a yarn breakage is occurred in a spindle 10, a brake operating member 35 of the spindle 10 is moved toward a spindle shaft 13. During the movement of the brake operating member 35, control surfaces 49 of the brake operating member 35 cause the stop/restart switches 46 and 47 to be made OFF between the electric driving motor 20 and alternate current lines S and T, thereby causing the motor 20 to be rotated under its own momentum. Then, braking parts 34 of the brake operating member 35 is pressed to the outer peripheral surface of the spindle shaft 13, thereby executing a mechanical braking operation. After the withdrawal of an end of broken yarn, the brake operating member 35 is released, so that a force of the springs 41 causes the brake operating member 35 to be detached from the spindle shaft 13, thereby canceling the braking operation. The movement of the brake operating member 35 also causes the stop/restart switches 46 and 47 to be made ON, thereby restarting the drive motor 20. <IMAGE>

IPC 1-7

D01H 7/22; D01H 1/244

IPC 8 full level

D01H 1/244 (2006.01); D01H 7/22 (2006.01)

CPC (source: EP)

D01H 1/244 (2013.01); D01H 7/2208 (2013.01)

Citation (search report)

Designated contracting state (EPC)


DOCDB simple family (publication)

EP 0841416 A1 19980513; CN 1065010 C 20010425; CN 1190679 A 19980819

DOCDB simple family (application)

EP 97810849 A 19971111; CN 97114349 A 19971112